Clock Making Workshop
This is a great workshop for anyone wanting to get crafty – We’ll be making our own clocks! Everyone gets a 20cm plywood clock face and clock mechanism with battery. We’ll be creating our designs using acrylic paint – it’s a really bold and fast drying paint so perfect for the workshop. At the end you’ll be shown how to assemble your clocks so that they’re working perfectly for your home.
This is part of our ongoing Art in Pubs series. Lots of fun, heaps of creativity and zero pressure!
““““““““““““““It’s our mission to provide an affordable creative workshop for anyone needing a creative pick-me-up. A perfect chance to have a drink, get arty and unwind!
We want everyone to have a great time so learning is at your own pace and in your own style – we’re here to help and guide you if you need it but there’s no pressure to do anything by the book.
Everyone welcome – Lone wolves and groups – People are always friendly!
All materials and tutoring included 🙂
Any questions? email Amy at
We will be in the main part of the pub. x x
Brighton BN1 3WA