6th May 2024 - 8:00 pm
The Hope & Ruin

FORM Presents: 


Francis of Delirium is the Luxembourg-based musical duo of 19-year-old singer-songwriter Jana Bahrich, originally from Vancouver, Canada, and drummer/producer Chris Hewett, who hails from Seattle and is 30 years her senior. Based on that information alone, it’s no surprise a press release describes their sound as a mix of “Gen Z indie rock” and grunge, as they draw equally from long-running musical traditions (grunge is one of them, emo is another) as well as the new wave of confessional singer-songwriter acts that grew out of them. More than any sonic signifiers, however, Francis of Delirium anchors in the raw dynamism of Bahrich’s voice and visceral songwriting, which are matched with playful self-made visuals and taut production. The duo bring their best qualities to the fore on Wading, their second EP following last year’s All Change, frantically sifting through a range of emotional states in a stream-of-consciousness style while also pointing to bigger questions around identity and isolation. “’Cause every second is a moment I’m fighting within every part of me,” she sings on ‘Red’, and the EP deftly mirrors that internal battle in its short but punchy 14 minutes. Flickers of self-acceptance emerge amidst the clouds of doubt and anxiety, and even if those moments of clarity don’t last for long, a feeling of catharsis lingers long after the music’s over.

We caught up with Jana Bahrich for this edition of our Artist Spotlight interview series to talk about her earliest musical memories, how she formed Francis of Delirium, her influences, and more.


The Hope & Ruin The Hope & Ruin
11-12 Queens Rd
Brighton and Hove
Brighton BN1 3WA